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Welcome to the Catalyzing Action for Resilient Ecologies (CARE) lab!

We are a social science lab at NYU interested in understanding child development and parenting in context and using science + lived experience to catalyze science-based innovations that improve the contexts of development and promote equity and well-being. 

We are interested in multiple settings of development (e.g., the home, education settings, health settings, communities, societies), methodological approaches (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods), and perspectives from multiple fields of knowledge (e.g., psychology, sociology, economics, public health, implementation science, neuroscience, others).

The CARE lab is directed by Jorge Cuartas, Ph.D., incoming Assistant Professor of Applied Psychology. Jorge’s research focuses on

(1) the developmental consequences of violence against children

(2) how historical and current structural inequities shape early childhood development and parenting

(3) the design, implementation, and evaluation of violence prevention and early childhood development programs and policies

(4) the developmental consequences and promotion of resilience amid global threats like the climate crisis.

More information soon!

CARE lab - Jorge Cuartas