Apapacho: Violence Prevention and Parenting

Our lab integrates theory, empirical evidence, and lived experience to design, evaluate, implement, and scale policies and programs focused on the promotion of nurturing care, prevention of violence against children, and promotion of resilience and positive development across the life course.

We apply frameworks from developmental psychology, behavioral science, and implementation science, using a range of experimental, quasi-experimental (e.g., difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity designs, fixed-effects models, instrumental variables), and qualitative methods to produce transformative systemic interventions

Explore some of our open-access resources below!

Related Publications

  • Cuartas, J., Beccassino, L., Henningham, H., Pineda, O., Rodriguez, M. (2024). Prevention of Violence Against Children: A Qualitative Exploration of Colombian Policymakers’, Programme Facilitators’ and Caregivers’ Perceptions. Child: Care, Health and Development, 50(5): e13325.
  • Cuartas, J., Beccassino, L. & Henningham, H. (2023). Integrando teoría, evidencia y contexto para informar el diseño de Apapacho, una estrategia de prevención de violencia en la primera infancia. Documento Temático #35, Centro de Estudios sobre Seguridad y Drogas, Universidad de los Andes. (Link)
  • Cuartas, J., Baker-Henningham, H., Cepeda, A., Rey-Guerra, C., & ICBF Early Childhood Team (2022). The Apapacho Violence Prevention Parenting Program: Conceptual Foundations and Pathways to Scale. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), 8582. doi:10.3390/ijerph19148582

Bitácora Apapacho (Family Manual)

The Bitácora Apapacho seeks to support parents and caregivers to provide a nurturing care and engage in self-care and one-on-one time (Tiempo Apapacho) with children.

Apapacho Facilitator Manual

The Facilitator Manual aims to support facilitators and frontline workers to implement Apapacho, a violence prevention parenting program to promote nurturing care and child development