Climate Change, Nurturing Care, and Child Development

Although climate change is widely acknowledged by the scientific community and society as a serious threat to human livelihood and survival, relatively little research examines its specific impacts on family dynamics and child development, or strategies to address these developmental effects

The CARE lab examines the links between climate change, nurturing care, and child development and leverage science + existing experiences of families living in climate hazard settings to understand how to promote resilience, ecologically, in the context of climate change.

We do so by employing quasi-experimental analyses that leverage satellite/geocoded data, systematic reviews, and other quantitative and qualitative approaches

Related Publications

  • Cuartas, J., McCoy, D., Torres, I., Burghardt, L., Shonkoff, J. & Yoshikawa, H. (in press). The Developmental Consequences of Early Exposure to Climate Change-Related Risks. Child Development Perspectives.
  • Cuartas, J., Spitzer, J., Ramirez-Varela, L., Brieant, A., Ghazanfar, A., Lansford, J., Mulatie, M., Opiyo, R., Sanson, A., Aref, A. (2024). Climate change and families: Review of evidence and policy eecommendations. DIFI Report, Doha International Family Institute & Duke University. (Link)
  • Cuartas, J., Bhatia, A., Carter, D., Cluver, L., Coll, C., Draper, C., Donger, E., Gardner, F., Grueso, H., Herbert, B., Lachman, J., Maalla M’jid, N., Seidel, F. & Kelly, O. (2023). The climate crisis and violence against children. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health,
  • Cuartas, J., Bhatia, A., Carter, D., Cluver, L., Coll, C., Draper, C., Donger, E., Gardner, F., Herbert, B., Kelly, O., Lachman, J., Maalla M’jid, N., Seidel, F. & (2023). Climate change is a threat multiplier for violence against children. Child Abuse & Neglect.
  • Cuartas, J., Spitzer, J., Ramirez-Varela, L., Brieant, A., Ghazanfar, A., Lansford, J., Mulatie, M., Opiyo, R., Sanson, A., Aref, A. (2024). Climate change and families: Review of evidence and policy eecommendations. DIFI Report, Doha International Family Institute & Duke University. (Link)